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发布时间:2022-11-16 20:01:11 所属栏目:应用 来源:网络
导读: 10个用于构建移动应用的优秀平台
jopen 9年前

Appery is basically a cloud based mobile app builder and you can use it if you want to create apps for iPhone, Android


jopen 9年前



Appery is basically a cloud based mobile app builder and you can use it if you want to create apps for iPhone, Android and even windows phone. As mentioned above, since it is a cloud based builder, it will require no installation or downloading so you can start creating an app with ease. Thanks to the visual editor, you can drag and drop the components as per your requirements. As far as pricing is concerned, the plan begins from being free to around$180/month.

2.Mobile Roadie


This is a great app creator too and you can easily create web apps for Android or IOS. The best thing is that this creator supports all sorts of media types. With the usage of Mobile Roadie Connect app, you can review your app too. Customization is also very easy with mobile Roadie and has lot of other features to offer. You will have to begin with spending $125 reaching up to $ 667.



TheAppBuilder will provide you with different set of Apps catering the needs of employees, clients. You have two options to create an app either by using the online tool and you can go for the training offered by them. Once you app is live, you can make changes easily and they are made live within 60 seconds. For pricing query, get in touch with them.

4.Good Barber


You will not require any coding and even after that, you can take full control of your app. You will get some great templates with beautiful icons and great fonts. Apart from apps, you will get a mobile version of it for browsers. This can also be linked with your domain name in case you are looking to make it your official website. This builder has a lot more to offer and you can get it for $16 ranging up to $32.


5.Appy Pie


With AppyPie, anyone who has 0% programming skills can easily create an app for Android, IOS and windows. Once created, push it to the respective app stores. No installation required; all you need to do is drag and drop and once you are done, you will get an HTML5 based hybrid app and it will work on each and every platform including blackberry. To begin with, get it for free and it can move up to $33.



With AppMachine you can easily create apps for IOS and Android. You can simply drag and drop features in order to create a web app. You can also connect these with various social networking websites such as 非死book and 推ter. you can also test your website’s progress as you create it. They offer different pricing plans.



GameSalad开发了一款新的简易游戏制作工具,它可以使一些非程序员也能为Web移动应用平台,iphone和iPad开 发研制并发布2D休闲游戏。今天,这家新兴网络公司宣布这款工具支持使用HTML5来发布新游戏。

有了GameSalad,游戏开发员无需编码就能为iPhone,iPad,Mac和Web来设计,发布和分销原创游戏。到目前为止,已有16万游戏 开发员利用GameSalad在iTunes应用店里开发了16000款游戏,其中有30多款游戏在Apple应用店游戏前100名中榜上有名。


GamaSalad CEO Steve Felter 表示,这款工具给游戏开发员带来的益处便是,它可以使游戏可以在更多的游戏平台和网络浏览器得以推广。



Bizness Apps为中小企业提供了一个快速制作手机App的平台。它目前支持iOS(iPhone、 iPad)及Android平台上的本机App制作。用户完全不需要具备任何编程知识,只要进行按钮勾选及拖拽,就能完成大部分设计工作。建立App时,首先选择你的App类型。Bizness Apps为每种类型提供了相应的模板,包含了该类型大部分的常见功能,用户只需要进一步在选单中选取你的App需要的功能即可完成本机App的设计。在 App完成后,Bizness Apps会帮你把App上传到他们在iOS和Android应用商店的帐号。当然,你也可以申请帐号自己上传。选择iOS或Android之一,Bizness Apps收费为每个平台39美元。如果选择同时支持两个平台,总共仅需59美元。这个价格对于中小企业来说实在很有吸引力,只需要一比颇小的投入,就能利用App进行品牌营销。

同时,Bizness Apps公司还发布了其HTML5的手机App制作平台,中小企业们只要额外支付每月10美元的费用,就可以同时拥有本机应用和HTML5的Web应用。HTML5的手机App最大的好处无疑在于其跨平台特性,客户只要制作基于HTML5的App就可以实现对所有智能机平台的支持。

作为HTML5平台发布的一部分,Bizness Apps还建立了一个QR码模块,帮助中小企业进行手机App推广。消费者只要用手机扫一遍QR码,就能快速定位到对应平台的App。

Bizness Apps简明的操作、强大的功能以及美观的UI,吸引了众多中小企业使用他们的服务。自去年10月正式上线以来,其增长势头异常迅猛,已经完成了超过1000个App,覆盖10多种语言,20多个国家。



AppMakr是一个可以让你在几分钟之内创建应用程序的一种服务,无需编码能力。使用该工具,你可以创建iPhone和Android应用。还有一些可 供选择的功能,包括将网站连接到你的应用程序、HTML5功能、推送通知和广告支持。通过AppMaker账户,你可以创建无限数量的应用程序。

除了程序员,相信很少有人自己写过代码开发过软件吧,这么专业的活普通人哪干得了?但假如有一款在线软件可以让你连一行代码都不用写,只需鼠标挥舞几下就能生成一个手机软件,你信不信?AppMakr是一家位于旧金山的高科技企业,它提供一个软件开发平台,让不会编程的用户也可以通过一个功能齐全的DIY工具包来开发手机应用程序,用于苹果公司的iPhone、谷歌的Android或基于微软Windows 7操作系统的手机。使用AppMakr开发一套功能齐全的应用程序只需几小时,并且该服务是完全免费的。






对ShoutEm感兴趣的用户可以免费试用这一平台,如果感到满意再付费购买正式版。ShoutEm提供基础版、高级版、无限版三个版本,其每月费用分别 为19.99美元、49.99美元和199.9美元,其中只有无限版支持iPad,而最受用户欢迎的还是高级版。此外,用户还可以选择加购“专业版”(售 价450美元)或“VIP”(售价950美元)安装套餐,从而导入其他来源的内容和数据,并由专业设计师提供一套界面设计方案。

(编辑:财气旺网 - 财气网)
